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DepBond depron foam glue high strength adhesive for polystyrene model kit modeling craft rc plane

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High strength contact glue for all surfaces!

157 ml wide top jar
High tech modern formulation gives adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces giving strong bonds every time

Ideal for bonding foam to foam or foam to other materials such as plastics or woods et

Contains no pigments or colourants, drys transparent clear beige/cream of white in colour.

For best results and strongest bonds spread/brush a thin film of adhesive on the 2 surfaces to be adhered, wait to dry for around 1 min till its tacky/dry, then assemble parts , push into position

the parts will then be firmly bonded, after 2 minutes the bond if pulled apart will break the foam not the glue, its very strong!, but for max strength wait a couple of hours

To remove glue, or clean brushes you need to use DepBond thinners ( safe on foam )

Posting Weight: 0.4kg

Our Price: £6.99
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DepBond depron foam glue high strength adhesive for polystyrene model kit modeling craft rc plane

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